Civic and Commerce Club

Who We Are

The Sherburn Civic and Commerce is a non-profit organization that implements fundraisers for our West Martin County communities. The C & C is not only for merchants, but also for individuals and organization with an interest in promoting our communities, schools, churches, neighborhoods, and local businesses. The following are a few items the C & C has organized and/or supported this past and present year.

  • MCW Senior Honors Banquet
  • MCW Post Prom Party
  • Bulk rate mailing permit for all members
  • Santa’s Workshop

How to become involved

The Sherburn Civic and Commerce Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at Senior Dining Center – located at 21 E. 1st St, Sherburn.  We invite you to join us by attending a meeting or by contacting one of our officers.
– Business membership dues are $40 per year.

– Individual membership dues are $25 per year.

– Couple Membership dues are $40 per year.

– If you have never been a member before the first year of membership is free!


President: Roger Studer
Vice President: Mary Studer
Secretary/Treasurer: Dorothy Behne